Adjusting to changes - missing some things

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Tuesday, September 5th -  I left Germany 28 days, so exactly one month ago. The time went by so fast and over this time I already realized that there are some German things and persons that I miss.

And since it has been 4 weeks now, I wanted to use this chance to thank my parents for everything they have done for me in the past. This amazing experience wouldn't have been possible for me without you guys. You always encouraged me to chase my dreams and to never give up. I am really thankful and grateful that I have you as my parents! I really miss you and my home but it wasn't me if I wouldn't try to deal with my homesickness and to make the best out of this incredible chance.

And of course I do miss my friends too. But just because I'm more than 5000 km away, it doesn't mean that I'm vanished out of their life. I'm still in contact with lots of my friends (so I stay updated on what happens at home) and I intend to keep it that way. (TO my friends: you don't get rid of me that fast 😏😜)
But to personalize and to always have some of my old "memories" around me, I have about 60 pictures hanging in my room:

My pictures and a bucket list of things to do in Maine

What other things do I miss?  - the ones above are pretty obvious, I guess.

One of the cakes, I have backed in the past
- Bread (our real German bread and the big selection of bread)
- Nutella (they have it here too but it is pretty expensive, and I ate toasts with Nutella every morning back home) 
- My mum's and grandma's cooking
     -> especially their homemade Schnitzel πŸ˜‹
- PomDΓΆner & Currywurst 🍟 πŸ—
- Milka chocolate, HARIBO, Ritter Sport chocolate (either too expensive or not available)
- Baking! (at home I always used to bake cakes and cupcakes if I wanted to, but I have no oven and no tools 😩)

---(Why am I mostly missing food?)---

- German school stuff (This might sound a bit strange but since I'm studying here, I need to use college blocks, pens, pencils, and so much more. They mostly use #2 pencils and ball pens here, the paper is smaller and punched 3 times. If you make copies they are still DIN A4 - it's really weird that the paper that you make notes on has a different size then printed paper... And they don't sell ink erasers here, so I'm waiting for a package of them from my parents because I brought my fountain pen and ink cartridges but no ink eraser.)

This post might sound a bit sad and nostalgic but I have won at least as many things as I miss (I don't think that I have lost anything, it's just further away).
Change always has two sides! I got to know lots of people and I'll probably get to know even more people over the time (excited for everyone new I meet), I'll extract my own phage, continue doing track, and so many other things. I just want to express, things are different - YES - but there is lots of it  in a good way! It might seem difficult to see this in the beginning - it definitely was for me - but once you start noticing positive things, you can't stop seeing them.

That's everything for now, I hope you enjoyed reading it!

"Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous in the end." - Robin Sharma

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